Eco-School – Green Flag Status
We are proud to announce that our school is an official Eco-School since 2022. The Green Flag accreditation recognises efforts to raise environmental awareness amongst young people, whilst taking action to make their school more sustainable. Our eco-projects are led by elected children on our School Council with the support of their peers, staff and families.
Haringey School Streets
Our school is on a School Street, an initiative which prioritises pedestrians and cyclists at school start and finish times.
To find out more about this initiative please visit the Haringey School Streets website.
Our Current Focus
Each academic year our school council complete an Environmental review in order to highlight what we are doing well and where we can take action. Our current three focus topics are: Biodiversity | Litter | Transport
Our Eco-Projects

Since The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School began working towards Eco-Schools status our activities and achievements have included:
- Community tree planting via the Woodland Trust ‘Free Trees for Schools’
- Gold Award status in the Green Tree School programme
- Planting a woodland on the school grounds, known as March Wood
- Outdoor learning opportunities for all children via our Forest School provision
- Participation in the Hedgehog Friendly Challenge
Litter & Waste
- Regular recycling initiatives: paper, plastic, food, clothing and battery collections
- Encouraging positive eco-behaviour supported by young Eco-Representatives
- Removal of glitter form use in school
- Introduction of our pre-loved uniform rail for parents/carers
- Wildlife Walks and Litter Picks with the School Council
- Participation in the Big Plastic Count campaign
- Adopting Haringey’s School Streets scheme
- Gold Award Status with TFL Stars
- Bikeability cycle training for children in Year 4 and Year 5
- Children and staff participate in The Daily Mile each breaktime
- Walk & Wheel to School Week campaign participation
- Junior Road Watch with Mayor, TFL and Metropolitan Police
Competitions and Fundraising
- Raising funds at our Mini GREEN Marathon – £122.67
- Winners of the Smarter Travel competition – ‘Wild in Haringey’: Birdboxes
- Winners of The Mall Wood Green competition – ‘Name the Rooftop Garden’: ‘The Peaceful Green’
Find Out More
“The children on the School Council take their roles very seriously and are engaged in making positive changes from the very first meeting. Positivity and creativity has been a huge factor in the children’s success, they are determined to make a difference and are willing to encourage others to protect our planet.”
Ms Hayley – Staff Support for Eco Schools Council
“The School Council is a good thing. We are an Eco School because we shouldn’t be destroying the environment and it is fun to help the environment.”
Year 5 – School Council Representative
Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint, said: “The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognised symbol of high environmental standards. The pupils and school staff that earn the award deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity. Their passion for protecting our planet is an inspiration to us all. ” To learn more about Eco-Schools head to