Geography Learning Journey
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Our Geography Curriculum aims to provide opportunities for all pupils to develop their geographical thinking of space, place and environment through a wide range of experiences. The curriculum aims to encourage pupils’ critical thinking and to make a positive contribution to their social, moral and cultural development. We aim to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Teachers plan and deliver lessons using a progression of knowledge and skills approach that ensures the curriculum is covered and the knowledge and skills are taught in a progressive way throughout the school from Year 1 to Year 6. Our geography curriculum enriches the learning for children enabling them to gain “real-life” experiences through educational visits and fieldwork. The children will learn to investigate and make enquiries about our local area of Tottenham, in London. They will learn to use maps to follow routes and aerial images to achieve basic locational knowledge about places and environments. They will increasingly be able to compare similarities and differences in environments and communities. Children will conduct river studies and they will debate current issues such as climate change. The children will have experiences to broaden their understanding and knowledge with trips to places of interest both within the local area and further into London. In Year 6 their residential trip will take them further afield whereby the children will have a fantastic opportunity to experience first-hand Pendarren in Wales!
We believe that through our high quality delivery of geography every child will have experiences to enable them to be curious and inspired. The impact of their learning over time is for our children to want to want to learn about geography in more depth when transferring to secondary school. We aim for the children to be ready to engage in more sophisticated discussion of the world both locally and globally. Teachers use assessment for learning strategies as well as engaging in conferencing activities to identify and to address any misconceptions immediately. Each half term children from Year 1 to Year 6 are assessed for their progress and understanding in geography lessons, by the teacher, and this is tracked over time.