Home Learning
Home Learning for Early Years
Reception and Nursery families are informed of their child’s learning journey through Tapestry the online learning journal. We use this app to share ideas and activities which can take place at home in support of the current learning. In addition to this, Reception children are also given a Google Classroom login which enables access to additional resources to support practise with an adult at home. From Summer 1 Term, Reception children will also bring home a ‘Home Learning Passport’ as part of their transition into Year 1.
Home Learning Passports
Home Learning projects are set every half term and are based on the current learning for each year group. In Year 1 to Year 6 this is presented in a Home Learning Passport. Completed home learning is celebrated in a special assembly towards the end of each half term. See below for the most recent Home Learning Passport:
Spring 1
Year 6 should also continue to complete daily SATs revision

Home Learning Apps
The school subscribes to the resources below for use both in and out of school. If you can’t remember your password, please ask the class teacher or email admin@devonshirehill.haringey.sch.uk
Other recommended educational resources for parents and children:
Remote Education
Remote Education – Information for Parents/Carers
We are committed to delivering high quality education, including for remote learning, whether for homework or during periods of remote working and learning. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life, including remote learning.
Safeguarding and Online Safety
The school uses the online platform Google Classroom and also signposts children learning remotely to Oak National Academy. Please note that at no point will this online access involve direct interactions with an individual, you are therefore reminded to be vigilant with online safety when your child is accessing online learning. Please also refer to our Remote Learning Strategy and Contingency Plan to find out more and for information about safeguarding and staying safe online. The plan includes copies of Acceptable Use Agreements that all pupils agree to – we ask that parents/carers also review the agreements with their children to remind them of the expectations.
Remote Learning Strategy and Contingency Plan
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is the remote learning platform used by the school. The work that your child is given is suited to their age, interests and ability. Click on the the Google Classroom icon to log in. If you are having trouble logging in, email admin@devonshirehill.haringey.sch.uk
In addition to the work set on Google Classroom, children must read to an adult at home every night during the week and at least once over the weekend. The adult, who listens to a child read, should then sign their reading diary to acknowledge that they have heard them read.