

Our PHSE curriculum provides pupils with transferable skills which will enable them to become citizens of tomorrow, on a personal, community and global level. All content is reviewed to ensure it considers the local context of our school and addresses topical issues that may affect and influence the lives of the pupils.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

At The Devonshire Hill Nursery and Primary School we use a PSHE programme called Jigsaw which enables pupils to continuously learn and develop the skills they need for life in an increasingly complex world. Pupils develop resilience and respect for themselves and others and are taught about the importance of physical and mental wellbeing. The curriculum encourages pupils to reflect on how these transferable skills will enable them to become citizens of tomorrow, on a personal, community and global level. The programme is progressive and inclusive and has been reviewed to ensure it considers the local context of our school and addresses topical issues that may affect and influence the lives of the pupils.

The Jigsaw programme is made up of six key themes:

  • Being Me in My world
  • Celebrating Differences
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me

These themes are built upon progressively as the children move through the school and run alongside the National Curriculum, enabling links to be made with other subject areas.

Jigsaw PSHE ensures that our children are prepared for life outside school and the future. They will understand the importance of respectful, meaningful relationships and physical and mental wellbeing. They will be independent and resilient and confident in managing their feelings and behaviour.

At Devonshire Hill Nursery and Primary School, children’s personal development is enhanced through a wealth of enrichment opportunities such as:

  • National charity fundraising events, such as Children in Need, Sports Relief, Comic Relief
  • National awareness days, such as, World Mental Health Day,
  • Working with the local community and people who help us, NHS, doctors, fire fighters etc.
  • Internet Safety workshops and assemblies
  • Work week-an opportunity to experience a range of careers
  • Into University and Tottenham University projects
  • Assemblies – NSPCC, Anti-Bullying, The Felix Project (food banks), Internet Safety, Gang Awareness, Be Kind Our Planet, Caring for Animals.
  • Workshops –Prevent, Gang awareness, Internet Safety, Junior Citizens, Water Safety, Bike Safety

The School’s Anchor Approach supports the PSHE curriculum and serves as the cornerstone of our commitment to nurturing resilience and promoting holistic wellbeing in children, equipping them with empathy, compassion, and essential life skills.

PSHE Books for Loan to Parents/Carers

We have a number of reading books which support a variety of topics linked to Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). The books are for use both at home and in school and a special library area has been created outside of the Headteacher’s Office. Parents/Carers are encouraged to loan these books as and when they may be useful to your family. Books are suitable for a variety of ages from 5 – 11 years.

Some examples of topics covered are:

  • Relationships
  • Emotions
  • Wellbeing & Mental Health
  • Anti Bullying & Kindness
  • Equality & Acceptance
  • Growth, Mindset & Resilience

Other subjects include stories about foster care, internet safety, toileting, stereotypes and perceptions. You will find a useful summary displayed with the books and can be accessed in the below document to help you decide which books are most useful. In order to loan a book please visit the Office, choose your book and then sign out your book using the signing in and out book.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

From Summer 2021 all schools will be required to teach Relationships Education, all secondary schools in England will be required to teach Relationships, and Sex Education, and all schools in England will be required to teach Health Education. At primary level, all schools will be required to teach about different types of committed stable relationships, which includes Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ+) relationships.

The Jigsaw curriculum includes sex education to prepare our children for life in a rapidly changing world, ensuring that they understand and respect the diverse world in which they are growing up.

We intend to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance and mutual respect of those with different faiths and beliefs. Our aim is to promote tolerance and understanding to instil the importance of kindness, treating everyone equally and respecting difference.

Parents will not have the right to withdraw their children from Relationships Education. Parents can request to withdraw their children from Sex Education during primary school.

The school delivers parent meetings each year prior to the teaching of sex education where parents are shown the content taught within their child’s year group.

If you would like to withdraw your child as discussed above you need to write a letter to the Headteacher.

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