
Water Only School

Feeling healthy and environmentally conscious

Our school recently hosted special guests for a ‘water only’ school event. The Year 4 children, eco volunteers and School Council, welcomed Joanne McCartney, Deputy Mayor for Children and Families for London. Also joining us were Haringey Councillors Cllr Zena Brabazon, Cllr Lucia das Neves, and Cllr Ibrahim Ali. The visit celebrated the positive impact of our water only initiative, which our school has followed for over 10 years.

Children shared their experiences of feeling healthier and more environmentally conscious by only drinking water at school. Discussions led to other sustainability efforts led by the School Council who’s focus in recent years has been to promote a healthier and more eco-friendly school environment. Our involvement in the Eco Schools programme, and campaigns like the Big Plastic Count, alongside the adoption of Haringey’s School Streets was highly praised.

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