School Meals at Devonshire Hill
School meals at Devonshire Hill are provided by Olive Dining Ltd catering company. Our menus are on a 3 week rotation and include vegetarian and halal options. See below for full details including our special themed lunch days.
School Meals Menu
Theme Day Menus
Occasionally the menu will follow an exciting theme day menu.
Payments & Free School Meals
All eligible children attending a state funded primary school in London can now receive free school meals as part of the Universal Free School Meals programme.
This provision is not the same as the Free Schools Meals (FSM) programme for parents and carers on qualifying benefits.
Families who are also in receipt of the qualifying benefits…
Even though your child will be receiving their free school meals automatically, it is still very important to complete a FSM application form. Each successful applicant could be eligible for extra valuable funding for their school plus any wider support for your family.
If you receive any of the qualifying benefits litsed below please contact the school office for further information.
Qualifying Benefits for Pupil Premium
Eligible benefits include:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (External link)
- the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (if you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and your yearly income, before tax, is less than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit – if you have an annual net earned income of less than £7,400 (as assessed by earnings from up to 3 of your most recent assessment periods)
Cost of School Meals:
School meals are £2.65 per day and payments are made via ParentMail. If you are not yet registered, please contact the School Office. Payments must be made in advance and should be for a minimum of one week (£13.25).

About School Meals
Together we offer children a wonderful choice of hot food, fresh vegetables, freshly baked bread, fresh fruit, yogurt, jacket potatoes… there really is something for everyone!
We want to help children gain a real appreciation for good quality food, where it comes from, how it’s produced and why healthy food is important. All meals are cooked from fresh ingredients every day, sourced locally (where possible within a 60 mile radius of the school), and prepared on-site.
Over the course of the academic year we provide an array of theme days and events- these are advertised around the school and on the website.
Parents and carers must inform the school of any changes to meal preferences by following the link and completing the Change Your Lunch Choice form. Please note that if you do not inform the school, meals will continue to be ordered from the catering service and you will be expected to pay for these.
Packed lunches at Devonshire Hill
If your child has a home packed lunch we ask that you provide them with a healthy nut free meal each day. Healthy lunchbox inspiration can be found on the NHS Healthier Lunchbox page linked via the button below.

We are a Nut Free School
Due to having serious allergy sufferers in our school we follow a strict no nut policy. If your child brings a packed lunch to school or snack for afterschool club please ensure that their food is nut free.

Hydrated brains for learning
Drinking water keeps your brain hydrated, healthy and ready for learning. Please remember to send your child to school with a reusable bottle of water every day.