
Flatford Mill

Y6 residential trip

Day 1

After an early morning coach journey, the Year 6 children have arrived safely at Flatford Mill in Colchester. They have started their 3 day stay with lunch in the fresh air and the sunshine!

The sky was very clear during the night time walk, children and staff were able to do some stargazing. They saw satellites and constellations including Cassiopeia, Orion and the Great Bear. They also saw some planets including Mars and Jupiter.

Day 2

This morning the children ate a delicious breakfast. They also made lunch for the day. Everyone is looking forward to another exciting day at Flatford Mill!

After breakfast, children and staff went to see if they had captured any creatures in their ‘critter catchers’.
They had caught a mouse! The mouse was happily nibbling on some apple inside of the critter catcher.

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