Wednesday 12th February 2025
Dear Parents/Carers,
As part of their Geography learning journey, children in Year 6 will attend a trip to the Walthamstow wetlands.
Location: Walthamstow Wetlands, N17 9NH
Date: Monday 24th February 2025
Travel: on foot and by public transport
Ammolite Class will leave school at 9.00am
Azore Class will leave school at 11.30am.
Ammolite will be returning to school mid afternoon and Azore will aim to return to school by 3:45pm.
What happens on the trip?
During their visit, the children will learn about reservoirs as a link to their Geography topic about California and the importance of irrigation.
We are asking for a £4.50 contribution towards the cost of this trip.
As we are a cashless school, payment should be made via ParentMail: Payments: Shop

Please note the following:
- Children will need a healthy packed lunch and refillable bottle of water for this trip.
Children have been asked whether or not they require lunch to be provided by the school. If you have any queries relating to lunches for this trip, please contact the Office by Friday 14th February. - Children must be dressed in full school uniform, including weather appropriate footwear.
- Please ensure they are also prepared for the current weather. A waterproof jacket must be provided.
Yours Sincerely,
Cassandra Alexis & Mark Ellis | Year 6 Class Teachers