Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to remind you that I am unable to grant permission for term time leave under the strict guidance I must follow as a Headteacher. It is important that all holidays are booked outside of term time and that you arrive back in time to start school on the first day of term.
At The Devonshire Hill Nursery and Primary School, we prioritise education and our Attendance Policy is clear. We cannot and will not authorise leave of absence for family holidays or any other reason unless there are exceptional circumstances or medical grounds. In such cases where there is an exceptional circumstance this must be supported with suitable evidence.
As you may be aware Haringey Council operate a Penalty Notice Scheme for poor school attendance. The current cost of a Penalty Notice is £80 per parent if paid within 21 days, rising to £160 per parent if paid between 22 and 28 days. Non-payment of a Penalty Notice can lead to a prosecution in the Magistrates Court, for the offence of failure to ensure the regular school attendance of a child. More information can be found on the Haringey website:,absent%20without%20permission%20for%20a
Please support us in helping your child to attend school every day unless he/she really is too ill to attend. Good attendance is vital to your child’s progress and future life chances. We appreciate that some leave is unavoidable, but would ask you to carefully consider the impact of any absence on your child’s education and reconsider your plans where possible.
I trust should you wish to discuss this further you will be in contact.
Julie D’Abreu | Headteacher