Tuesday 28th January 2025
Dear Parent/Carer,
The Year 6 children are working extremely hard towards their SATs exams which take place from:
Monday 12 – Thursday 15 May 2025
To further support the children with their revision, the school strongly recommends that all Year 6 families purchase the below set of books which are available to preorder at a discounted rate, from the school via the ParentMail Shop:
The school has managed to secure a discounted price of £10 for all three books for which the retail price is £17.19. We are asking all families to place their order via the ParentMail shop ahead of the upcoming Parents/Carers Open Afternoon.
As a reminder all children in Year 6 are also encouraged to attend our morning tuition classes which take place every Monday to Friday from 8am to 8.45am.
Thankyou for your continued support,
Tina Georgiades | Deputy Headteacher