Thursday 23rd January 2025
Open Afternoon – Nursery to Year 6 | Early Closure
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you will be aware, our school will hold a Parent/Carer Open Afternoon for all families with children in Nursery to Year 6. This will take place on:
Thursday 6 February 2025 | 1.15pm – 4.15pm
All children must be collected at 1.15pm
In order to accommodate this event, the school will close early to all children in Nursery to Year 6.
We encourage all of our families to attend the Open Afternoon, during which time you will be able to:
- visit your child(ren)’s classroom
- look in your child(ren)’s books
- have an informal chat with your class teacher(s)
- tour the school guided by your child(ren)
- visit and speak with staff from companies in partnership with our school, including our breakfast and after school club provider Dalmage Active, our catering provider Olive Dining, Dance Giants, IntoUniversity, Haringey Shed etc
Note the following:
- All families are encouraged to attend this event
- There is no need to book an appointment on this occasion, the school will simply be open for parents/carers from 1.15pm to 4.15pm
- All families must vacate the premises no later than 4.15pm
We look forward to welcoming you.
Yours sincerely,
Julie D’Abreu | Headteacher