Dear Parent/Carers,
We are very excited to announce that we will be hosting our very own Ice Rink towards the end of February half term! This event will be open to the public so please do encourage your friends and family members to book their tickets too.
Key Dates:
The dates of the Ice Rink event take place in the last weekend of the February Half Term and on Inset Day – Monday 21st February.
Get your tickets:
We are offering our families, staff and their friends priority booking before tickets go on sale to the wider community on Wednesday 26th January.
To book your tickets please visit our Event Brite page. Please note that tickets must be purchased through this method only – the Office will not be taking bookings for this event.
Food & Drink Vendors:
This is a great opportunity for our school to engage with the wider community including local businesses. We have a limited number of stalls available for hire to licenced food and drink vendors. Please contact admin@devonshirehill.haringey.
More information:
The Event Brite page answers lots of questions including prices, what to wear, age requirements etc. Please tell family, friends and neighbours about this fantastic opportunity to skate at our school! We look forward to hosting more family focused community events in the future, with your continued support.
We look forward to seeing you all having fun on the ice.
Julie D’Abreu