The Devonshire Hill Nursery and Primary School

Weir Hall Road, Tottenham, London, N17 8LB
Tel: 020 8808 2053
Fax: 020 8885 8786
Headteacher: Julie D’Abreu
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Follow us on Twitter: @DevonshireHill

Diamond Class – Haringey Dance Festival

Thursday 13 March 2025

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our PE and Art curriculum, Diamond Class will be attending a school trip:

Location: Highgate Junior School Hall, N6 4PL

Date: Thursday 27th March 2025

Travel: public transport

We will be leaving school at 11.15am and returning to school by 4.45pm.

What happens on the trip?
During their visit, the children will be learning new dances and presenting a performance.

Please note: we are unable to accommodate parents/carers to spectate at this trip however we will need up to 5 volunteers to support. If you are able to volunteer for this trip, please speak with Mr Slav.

Please note the following:

  • Children will need a healthy packed lunch and refillable bottle of water for this trip.
    Please confirm by 18/03/25  if you require the school to provide a free packed lunch:
  • Children must be dressed in full school uniform, including black school shoes
  • Children with long hair should have their hair tied back and no jewellery is allowed
  • Children will be dancing barefoot
  • Please ensure they are also prepared for the current weather. A waterproof jacket must be provided

Yours Sincerely,
Slawomir Anisowicz | Y2 Class Teacher & Leader for PE/PSHE

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