Monday 3 March 2025
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are in the process of implementing new measures to enhance our security and procedures. Please find information regarding these changes below.
New security doors – the lobby:
As an extra security measure, new doors have been installed at the Main Office to create a ‘lobby’ area. Visitors entering the new doors must be signed in and escorted by a member of staff. Children are required to enter school via the new doors independently. You will only be able to open the doors once a member of office staff authorises access.
School Office hours:
As a reminder, the school office hours are listed below.
Unless you have a pre-arranged appointment we are unable to facilitate ad-hoc meetings.
Monday to Friday | Morning: 8.00am – 9.30am | Afternoon: 3.05pm – 3.45pm
School Gates
The school gates are opened and secured within set times every day. These rules ensure that our grounds remain secure. In support of these arrangements, and of your child’s learning time, we have the highest expectations for punctuality. As a reminder please see the below:
Monday to Friday | Morning: 8.45am – 8.55am | Afternoon: 3:05pm – 3:20pm
8:45am – 8:55am: gates open for morning drop off
It is the expectation that all children arrive at school for 8.45am, the gates close promptly at 8.55am Children arriving from 8.56am will be marked as late which will affect their attendance record.
3:05pm – 3:20pm: gates open for afternoon collection
All children must be collected at 3.15pm unless you have booked on to Dalmage afterschool club.
For the health & safety reasons, parents/carers are not allowed to wait in the playground outside of these times, there can be no exceptions to this rule.
Additional Changes from Tuesday 4 March
We continue to encourage children to walk and wheel to school. From Tuesday 4 March, the bike and scooter storage will be returned to its former location, next to the large double front gates. Children in all year groups who wheel to school should store their wheels in this area. We strongly advise that prams/buggies are taken home as this area is not sheltered.
In addition to this the playground layout will also look a little different at collection time with the aim of minimising congestion in waiting areas and to improve the flow of people on footpaths.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Best wishes,
Jon Vellapah | School Business Manager