Tuesday 23rd January 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,

To celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year of the dragon (Saturday, 10 February 2024). Our school will participate in a number of exciting activities which includes the following:
Design a dragon competition
All entries to your class teacher by morning registration on Monday 5 February
Chinese New Year focus for Nursery & Reception
Children in Nursery and Reception will celebrate in class
Chinese New Year Performance for Year 1 – 2
Parents/carers are invited to join us on Tuesday 6 February from 11.45am
Chinese New Year Performance for Year 3 – 6
Parents/carers are invited to join us on Wednesday 7 February from 11.45am
Chinese New Year Party – Friday 9 February during the school day
Come to school dressed in your favourite party outfit, remember to include a red accessory and to donate your £2. Children will have time to celebrate with music and dancing under the disco lights. School lunch will be a special themed menu on this day.
Competition Guidelines
Staff, children, and their families are invited to participate in our ‘design a dragon’ competition. Participants are encouraged to employ diverse drawing styles as long as they effectively convey your perceptions of 龙/龍 within your own cultural context or Chinese culture. (Chinese character for ‘Dragon’: 龙 simplified / 龍 traditional).
What we’re looking for
We’re looking for vibrant, colourful drawings of dragons that demonstrate any of the following:
- celebrating the Chinese New Year
- performing, which can include anything from dancing to juggling, singing etc.
- red envelopes or lanterns
- happy, friendly, smiling, laughing, positivity
- in 20 words or less, provide a short description about your dragon
Design requirements
Submissions can be drawn using any materials but must be on A4 paper
Your drawing/painting/collage should fill as much as possible of the A4 page, including pencils or crayons.
Entries must be with your class teacher by morning registration on Monday 5th February 2024
Entries must include name and class on the reverse or will not be accepted
We look forward to your participation,
Mr Lin | Mandarin and Chinese Culture Teacher